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Identity Politics Destroys National Cohesion: Without a visionary, pragmatic leadership, South Sudan can never realise its potential

Writer's picture: francisdengmentorifrancisdengmentori

Updated: Feb 11

The tendency, behaviour and attitude for people of a particular race, tribe, religion, gender or ethnicity to organize politically, economically, around a special interest for the sole purpose of advancing that interest without concern or regard for any larger group or collective is an insidious, dubious, dangerous form of identity politics. Identity politics destroys national cohesion and progress. It is detrimental, corrosive to unifying societal norms and values. It is divisive and self-serving. Its way of thinking tends to view life as a zero-sum game. Practitioners of this sectarian, divisive ideology often engage in us-versus-them sort of communication. Conflict-resolution and compromise are seemingly alien. Its language and terms of engagement are rooted in exclusion and alienation of others deemed undeserving to belong. The collective essence of being human, which should always take precedence, is secondary in the minds’ eye of these practitioners. These people adore and cherish race, tribe or ethnicity. Living human history has taught that societal upheavals, regressions and annihilations are directly linked with identity politics. This way of thinking is intrinsically primitive and regressive. It produces degradation and destruction.

A country’s president is either a “Messiah” or “Lucifer”

A visionary, pragmatic leadership is indispensable if South Sudan will ever realize its potential. Dictionary defines visionary as thinking about and planning the future with imagination and wisdom. And pragmatism as a way of dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations. Inspirational, uplifting, transformational leadership sees beyond a naked eye’s capability. The future and survival of South Sudanese people are inextricably linked, intertwined. All appeals to tribal and ethnic backgrounds and affiliations have led to destruction and death. Without a unifying, visionary leader, South Sudan could destroy itself. Since 2013, the level of trauma all citizens have experienced is venomous. This is self-explanatory given the current political and socio-economic situations in the country. Tragically, all the woes and tribulations that have bedevilled the country, since its independence in 2011, are not due to scarcity of resources, but largely due to lack of visionary and pragmatic leadership.


When Adolf Hitler preached and propagated racial superiority of one human race against another, his fascist ideology, an infectious mental illness gave birth to holocaust, slaughter of millions of European Jews. Millions of Europeans were annihilated. Prior to the 1994 Rwandan genocide, tribal-ethnic prejudice and hatred fueled by vacuum of national leadership had fermented and permeated. By and Large, just like all humans on this earth, masses in the Nazis’ Germany and in Rwanda were perhaps “unconscious” of the impending horrors. Nevertheless, identity politics had hypnotized and consumed them, depriving them of ethical, moral conscience and awareness. Perhaps masses viewed their existence a zero-sum game, a choice between life and death. But did other peoples’ existence threaten their existence? There was no excuse, whatsoever. Identity politics permeates and manifests itself in various forms in a country or society. Exacerbated by social media, South Sudanese seem at war with one another, rather than channelling that energy towards improving their shared life and that of the nascent country.


Have you ever wondered where exactly the religionised, proclaimed “Messiah and Lucifer” reside? Well, Christians believe Jesus Christ was a Messiah and that He ascended into heaven after resurrection. And what about the proclaimed “Lucifer?” One an unobvious place is perhaps inside the human mind. In one way or another, conscious human beings engage in some sort of monologues. When optical illusions and hallucinations have taken over, racists and tribalists indulge in soliloquizing despondency, some sort of hopelessness and victimisation. Discouragement and dejection set in and take control. Then maybe out of unknowing-ness, humans ask, why does God allow such evil and mayhems to occur? Why shouldn’t life and existence just be a continuous bliss? 


Racial and tribal politics in the Geographical Sudan

From the onset, since the geographical Sudan was conceived (Sudan existed before 1 January 1956), toxic, life-consuming behaviour and attitude invaded and suffocated the country. Khartoum-based hard-liners pillaged and destroyed the geographical Sudan. These political elites and their religious fanatics instigated and championed all kind of detriments and retrogressions that brought the largest African country to its knees. From north to south and east to west, they fragmented the country along racial and tribal lines. Self-proclaimed religious and political pundits and commentators dissected and categorized the Sudanese people into Arabs, Dinka, Nuer, Darfurians, Nubians, Beja, Shilluk, Bari, Muslims, Christians, and so on. As a consequence, hatred and prejudice sprang up and crawled like a fog. These Khartoum-based hard-liners had succeeded in orchestrating and “crowning” ethnicity over the shared nationality, Sudan-ness, that binds and unites the people together. Ignorance, self-interest and greed succeeded in categorizing and boxing Sudanese into superior-inferior classes. As a consequence, the people, the land, the environment have groaned and wailed, for many decades now. Millions of Sudanese people have bled and perished. The prevalent, plaguing human condition, raging in the geographical Sudan is the worst the world has been seen.


Evil begets evil. Today, South Sudan, since 2005, the time the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, CPA was ushered in, has been bedevilled by tribal and ethnic violence fueled by the incompetent, kleptocratic, despotic Juba-based regime. Revenues from national resources such as oil have been diverted into personal bank accounts by a few individuals. National coffers have been drained and emptied. Individuals inside and around the presidency have become millionaires. Public funds sources have diminished. Corruption, a grand-scale theft is normalized, seemingly crowned. Thieves are obviously worshipped and bestowed celebrity status. And all these despotic cohorts and demagogues openly claim, dare that it is their chance to eat.  They claim to have been “chosen.” Well, it is “Lucifer” rather than “Messiah” that chose them to steal, loot and embezzle. Indisputably, as far as citizens are concerned, these self-claimed chosen men and women, in and around the presidency are the “Lucifers” themselves.


Theft was an abomination

In long-held Sudanese customs and traditions, theft was abominable, punishable with hefty fine or even death. Islamic laws as practiced in the old Sudan justified death and cutting off limbs of a thief. As a long-held custom by many Sudanese, including Jieeng, severe punishment was imposed on a thief’s family. Worst of all, sons and daughters from such a family would find it hard to marry. For instance, if a man stole a cow or bull, Dinka’s customary law would demand six cows from the thief’s family as punishment against the abhorrent behavior. The family of the stolen cow or bull would receive five cows and the authority of the land, normally a chieftainship would receive one, usually a weaned calf. As I vividly remember, my father one day brought home five cows, three adults and two young calves as compensation.  A man he knew killed a young bull dad had bought from him. The man’s neighbour who had witnessed the barter trade took it upon himself to become the informant, the whistleblower. He surely had Jieeng customary virtues in mind.


How does a public servant become a millionaire? He or she becomes one through subversion of laws and diversion of public revenues before reaching the government’s coffers. Through such dubious ways, a good number of South Sudanese politicians, like many corrupt African public figures, have become millionaires. In least corrupt countries in the world, shown by how well common people are doing and by GDP per capita, real riches are horned and harvested in the private sector. For most parts, South Sudan copied the demagogic, despotic system of governance they had fought against for about fifty years. In both Sudan and South Sudan (like many poor countries bedeviled by rampant stealing, poverty and destitutions) political and socio-economic conditions are reminiscent of the described ancient Homo Sapiens’ time of “hunting and gathering.” Why? Because hyenas rather than true leaders are running the show, imposing themselves upon citizens.  


Consequences of Identity Politics

Human beings, regardless of race, gender or creed, are majorly responsible for the proclaimed, widespread “existential threat.”. The inability for humans to peacefully and harmoniously co-exist, among themselves and with nature, could ultimately lead to human extinction on this earth. Roman Empire disappeared because it was consumed within itself. Saddam Hussein’s leadership style ultimately annihilated him, his two sons and millions of Iraqis. Even though the West heated him, passionately, Muammar Gaddafi’s unrestrained one-man rule unwittingly blinded him from reading the writings on the wall. Following the 1988 Lockerbie bombing, the West accused Libya as an accomplice in the bombing of civilian aircraft. Gaddafi denied the accusation, but he kept poking the bear in the eye, giving long UN Assembly speeches. The 2011 so-called Arab Spring turned out the opportunity the Western powers had waited to cease. without hesitation, the "lion" pounced on the opportunity and ended the life of the long-time Libyan dictator. Despite the African Union rejection NATO intervention.


All authoritarian regimes and rules have ended in hell. Racial superiority laws fused with Islamic fundamentalism dissected the geographical Sudan and turned the Sudanese people against one another. Sudanese of Arab origin, who identify with “Arabism and Islamism” have fooled themselves they could rule and dominate Sudanese politics forever. These ideologues and extremists turned Sudan into a purgatory. Racialized Sudanese politics gave birth to the secession of South Sudan, produced the infamous genocide in Darfur and the current, running civil war in Sudan. And all these woes and upheavals began before the so-called 1956 independence. Endemic, systemic injustices ultimately decimated Al Bashir’s authoritarian grip on power.

However, South Sudanese rulers seem to have not learnt from the many Sudanese grand blunders and mismanagements. 2013 political violence in Juba which resulted in civilian massacres in the city and across the country was preventable. Human history is riddled with annihilating, plaguing human conditions: Holocaust by the Nazis, the five-decade demonic apartheid system in South Africa, the 1994 Rwandan genocide, the 2007 tribalised post-election violence in Kenya, the three-decade Northern Ireland conflict between Catholics and Protestants. Is human existence just unavoidable tragedy? Have human cultures, beliefs, customs, upbringing environments wounded and traumatized human beings beyond a point of no return?


Is “Someone Higher” in the sky intervening in humans’ affairs?

One wonders if the political and socio-economic transformations and progress that occurred, and occurring in China, UAE, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Norway, Rwanda, Israel, just to mention a few countries, are phenomena, products of divine intervention! No, they are products of visionary, pragmatic leaderships governing these countries. There is nothing ambiguous about these enviable advancements. It is uncontentious that upright, ethical paradigm, good way of thinking is the secret. Uplifting, inspiring thinking and doing aligned with rhythmic, scientific laws of the universe is the divine intervention. Common sense nudges and whispers that the “Divine Power” does not discriminate but endows and blesses all creatures accordingly. And a well-planned, visionary education for all citizens, with no regard to tribal and ethnic identity and affiliation, plays a critical role in national transformation and advancement.


Arguably, in countries where superstition, less emphasis on education abound, ordinary people are made to believe that it is “Lucifer,” some evil power that corrupts and manipulates politicians and their associates. This is not true. No invisible, demonic hand inspires politicians to manipulate, steal and embezzle national resources and drain government’s coffers. These unscrupulous politicians intentionally divert funds generated from national resources, such as from oil, gold, diamond, customs, tourisms and so on, supposedly meant for development and socio-economic activities into private bank accounts. And as a consequence, lack of development and progress characterize a country. “We’re chosen by God.” With impunity, a South Sudanese cabinet minister recently remarked. Yet public servants, national army and police forces have gone for months and years without pay.

 A couple of years ago, in a world-class hotel in Nairobi, Kenya, a young South Sudanese man, who referred to himself as Lual Malong Yor Jr. on camera swam in US dollars. He rolled and chanted that “Jesus Christ” has blessed him with riches.” He showed off expensive shoes and a watch. Yet South Sudanese, particularly people in his home state of Northen Bahr el Ghazal have from now and then experienced famine. Can the imaginary “Lucifer” be the culprit in such scenarios? Individual politicians and the young man, Lual Malong are solely responsible for their corrupt, unschooled, ignorant, greedy behaviour at the expense of ordinary citizens.  


Imaginary “Lucifer” as a scapegoat

The unrelenting, plaguing human conditions, that have bedeviled many countries, indeed the whole world, today have nothing to do with a struggle between “God” and “Lucifer,” between imaginary “angels and demons.” Squarely, wrongly schooled human attitude and behavior are responsible for all the global mayhems and upheavals. In countries, many in the African continent, imported European and Middle Eastern religions have done more harm than good. You can hold me accountable for this bold, provocative statement. Africans have been deceived to look to the “sky” for “divine intervention.” Yet it is by conscious understanding and alignment with the universal laws and principles that leads to salvation. I do not either attest that all African religious practices before foreign religions arrived were holy. Many practices and performances were informed by ignorance and superstition. Human sacrifice, witchcraft, sorcery and the likes, were all demonic.


Is divine intervention needed in order to eliminate stealing, misappropriation and embezzlement of public funds? As human beings, can’t we simply not engage in corrupt and dubious practices? Isn’t it a common knowledge that all humans, regardless of race or gender, are endowed with intellect and conscience? That “Higher Being” we open our hands to, seeking salvation would have listened to our prayers. Common sense nudges and whispers day-in and day-out. Being upright is free. Conscious, noble men and women are many in history. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. of the civil rights movement in American, Nelson Madela of South Africa, Mahatman Gandhi of India, just to name a few, were not angels but human beings, just like the rest of us.


Stealing and corruption are a decision. Individuals choose to steal and corrupt. However, one’s conscience is sufficient to live a virtuous life. It is intuitive to pronounce that life is benevolent and not malevolent, or why was it given? All living things on planet earth love life including ants and mosquitoes. This is one scientific evidence.  And willpower is sufficient to deter even a deep-seated temptation. All humans are endowed with intellect and conscience. Despite certain historical monsters, intellectually deranged, purported leaders, bulldozing their way to public office, the sanctity of being human remains. Did you know that Adolf Hitler reportedly felt humiliated because he lost a university admission position to a Jewish student? This perhaps significantly contributed in his annihilating hatred and crusade against the European Jews.


Divine intervention is in the four endowments: conscience, intellect, awareness and imagination

What would it take for this plaguing human condition, this rampant emptiness and destruction to desist? Without justice and equality in Sudan and South Sudan, without just and fair political dispensations on all societal levels, restlessness and destitution will continue to define the Sudanese peoples. Violence and death have defined the geographical Sudan, since time immemorial. From one generation to another, all Sudanese people, from East to west, North to South, have known nothing but war and destruction.  Yet, they are among the most religious people on the planet! Religious and non-religious nations, in all parts of the world have demonstrated that divine intervention is intrinsic in the decision-making process. A virtuous, righteous decision, devoid of all demonic inclinations such as stealing, subversion, embezzlement, misappropriation, discrimination, segregation, racism, tribalism, all kind of evils is within reach of all human beings. Inherently, human redemption and salvation lie therein.


Tragically, ingrained, entrenched, elitist Sudanese attitude and behaviour, seemingly schooled by racism and religious fanaticism, is too deformed to be reformed. Like the Nazis were destroyed, this deeply rooted, organised idiosyncrasy requires a total dismantling. Since 1956, the time Sudan regained its independence, elitist Sudanese of Arab origin have dared to define the country as an Arab and Islamic state. Yet Sudanese of Arab of origin are about 20% of the Sudanese population. Currently, General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, and General Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, nick-named Hemedti (allegedly a former camel trader in Darfur) are bitterly engaged in a superior-inferior guerilla warfare. Purportedly, General Al-Burhan views General Hemedti as of inferior stock; a Darfurian Arab! Reportedly, the two Generals have vowed to fight to the bitter end. This is exactly the ingrained mentality and attitude that destroyed the geographical Sudan. Successive Khartoum-based Islamic regimes have described all Southerners, Nubians, Darfurians, and others as inferior, derogatorily referring to them as “abids,” a colloquial word with slave connotation.


No deity curses a land and its people. Isn’t curse a state of mind?

The geographical Sudan is not cursed. The Land of the giants has simply lacked visionary, pragmatic leadership. The SPLM’s “New Sudan Vision,” that Dr John Garang envisioned and championed was a great national attempt in the right direction. At its core, it sought general and individual human transformation, regardless of race, tribe or ethnicity. What if the Sudanese parties to the CPA had given this vision a chance? Wouldn’t all Sudanese people, in the geographical Sudan be a little better off now?


There are no cursed human beings. There are no cursed race, tribe or ethnicity. Curse is a mythical concoction, a superstitious belief (with religious connotation) that a supernatural being blesses or curses according to deeds committed. Why would nature (God) curse the geographical Sudan? Rather, it is conditioned human behaviour and attitude in a form of subjectively, racially “sanctified” customs, traditions and culture. The “chosen” versus the “cursed” are romanticized optical illusions. Systemic, intentional subjection of a group of human beings to sustained discrimination and oppression, poverty and destitution which ultimately lead to death is the curse. Since 1956, lack of visionary, pragmatic, transformational leadership has been the Sudanese curse. Infectious, hypnotising, smothering racism and corruption fused with religious fanaticism subvert and degrade principles and moral virtues. In this ripened, bigoted atmosphere, public resources are expropriated, embezzled and stolen, subjecting the country and its people into a man-made hell. All sorts of prejudices succeed, and so humanity diminishes. Degradation and destruction become norm. King Leopard II of Belgium annihilated over twelve million Congolese. The Nazis of Germany engineered the holocaust. 1994 Rwandan genocide decimated about a million ethnic Tutsis and their allies. These horrors are living, vivid reminders that hell is just a doorstep away, too close like nose is to mouth. 


Identity Politics diminishes humanity

South Sudan is sadly a divided nation, apparently along tribal and ethnic lines. But this is not because the people are created that way, but because the nation currently lacks a true leader. The two largest tribes; Dinka and Nuer have dominated, manipulated the political and socio-economic landscape of the nascent nation, seemingly at the exclusion of minority tribes. Deficiency of moral and ethical filament, fibre is omnipresent and widespread. Zero-sum mentality undoubtedly is the game in town. Strong institutions and functioning socio-economic sectors barely exist. Despite abundant natural resources, poverty and destitution are visible in all places and locations.  Ordained and weaponised, corruption in the form of stealing, misappropriation and embezzlement of public resources is normalised. Those in position of power and authority have surrounded themselves with mediocrity, nepotism, despotism and demagoguery. visionary, pragmatic leadership, which is lacking in South Sudan, sees no ethnic and tribal identity and affiliation of someone, but meritocracy. Advanced nations were/are build and developed by meritocracy, not tribal and ethnic appeal and affiliation.


Albeit the two antagonistic tribes spearheaded the armed rebellion against various Sudanese regimes, they have again perpetuated the indignities they had fought against. Millions of Dinka and Nuer soldiers and civilians died in the war and in other war-related courses. The protracted, brutal civil war was primarily a struggle for freedom and dignity, for all Sudanese people, not just Southerners. This was the SPLM’s “New Sudan vision,” written in their manifesto and proclaimed in every SPLA’s indoctrinating opportunity. “New Sudan Oyeeh” a morale-boosting cry, became a slogan, a mantra pronounced in all SPLA’s training and indoctrination centres and gatherings. The repeated armed violence in 2013 and 2016 in Juba and which spread to all parts of the country, undoubtedly demonstrated that South Sudanese politicians knowingly, or unknowingly have imported the divisive, racialized political system, behaviour and attitude they had bitterly fought against in the Sudan.


Belonging to a majority tribe, and at the same time, privileged with power and authority, ought not equate to discrimination and marginalisation of minorities and the powerless. Justice, fairness and equality are nature’s order of existence. They endure because they are the language of the universe. However, prejudice, discrimination and marginalisation do not endure. Presently, as the country’s political situation demonstrates, it is fundamentally incumbent upon Dinka and Nuer politicians to lead. Please swallow your-whatever pride and prejudices you have incubated and fermented. Do these compromised politicians, seemingly directed by personal grievances, want South Sudan to become a viable state, even long after they have gone? Peace and security, development and prosperity cannot be pursued and accomplished by politicians and people compromised and consumed by tribal and ethnic identity and affiliations. South Sudan is a huge abundant Land, and it belongs to all her citizens. Within the rule of law, freedom of movement and settlement, as enshrined in the nation's constitution are the corner stones, guiding stars for all who call this beautiful land home.

Helpful Sources

Man's Search for Meaning; Victor E Frankl

The Myth of Normal; Trauma, Illness and Healing in a toxic culture, Gabore Mate

The Laws of Human Nature; Robert Greene

Sapiens; A brief History of Mankind, Yuval Harari

Freedom; The End of Human Condition, Jeremy Griffith










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